Monday, April 28, 2008

Changes, Changes, Changes...

Our poor little B has suffered from tonsillitis (again). She is being referred to an ENT to check things out further. She has been on many antibiotics over the past six months. In the above video you might be able to "hear" just how swollen her little tonsils were. She is doing much better is mommy. We had a few nights of sleeping upright in a chair to allow the poor little one to breathe! When B wasn't laying around feeling yucky, she was singing her little heart out. I finally got it on video and am thrilled to share it with you!

A is still enjoying playing baseball. He is having a great time and is learning the game quickly! Our class is going on a skating field trip this week and we also have our annual speech meet in our classroom. He is VERY much looking forward to each day of school!

Z just got a new pair of glasses. He was so proud as he went to school for the first time with them. Unfortunately, no one noticed, but he was sure to tell as many people as possible. :) Z is looking forward to what we have in store this summer...VBS, flag football camp, and a trip to Six Flags with my family! Woo Hoo!

M just biked the Flat Flower...a bike ride put on in Chico every year. He rode 60 miles on Sunday morning and had a ball! I am SO proud of my husband! We are now calling him King of the 60 miles etc... Z would sarcastically ask, "Now, how many miles did you ride?" because M told us many times how far he had actually gone. That IS pretty amazing though! for the changes that I have been talking about! Through many circumstances, we have decided to home school next year! We are all very excited about this new chapter. God has opened EVERY door possible. I just have to stand back in awe of all that He has done to bring us to this place. It also brings with it a little bit of anxiety. We would love your prayers as M makes decisions about his store. He feels that God is telling him to wait for now...we just don't know how long that will be. Please pray for wisdom for my amazing husband. He SO desires to lead his family where God wants us to go! I know that God has opened the door for me to be at home with all three of our wonderful children, so He will provide for our financial needs as well. We are just not sure what that is going to look like!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Spring is in the air...

Spring is such a wondeful season! You should see the trees here in our hometown...they are blooming brightly with very colorful flowers. What a sight! In our family, spring also means bike riding, baseball playing, and lots more outdoor fun!

Our Big Z is now 9. I can hardly believe where the time has gone. He is growing in every area of his life. We are so proud of him. He has officially grown out of his "little kid" bike. Daddy was thrilled to have a mission of finding him a nice "new" bicycle. Daddy was successful and Z was SO excited to find his new treasure in the back of his daddy's truck. M had asked him if he wanted to go for a bike ride...Z excitedly ran out to the garage to discover that his "little kid" bike was nowhere to be found. He began to panic, but followed M's suggestion to go searching for it. Upon opening the back of the big truck, Z was surprised to find a very exciting replacement. What a fun birthday surprise!

A is playing baseball this spring. He is having a BALL! He is doing "coach-pitch", which is a perfect starting point for him. We are so proud of his great sportsmanship and the huge smile that he carries throughout the entire game. Z and B are his biggest fans. They make up quite a cheering section!

Our little B is quite the singing sensation. She always seems to have a song in her heart. Whether it is the ABC's or Jesus Loves Me. Boy does she melt our hearts when she sings away. You can often find her coloring (with her left hand) while she sings and sings and sings. On some days her ABC's end like this...Q, R, S, Y, and I know my ABCD next time won't you sing with me. On a good day she actually sings the whole thing through! I can't believe the things she knows!

We are looking at a lot of changes in our future. Through all of the prospects, we know that God is in control and that He has a MIGHTY plan for our little family. Sometimes it amazes me to sit back and think that God can hear my prayers (my problems) at the same time that He is listening to others' as well! We serve an amazing God. We are so thankful that He listens to us and wants what is best for our family. Please pray that we will see what He has for us!