Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Funny Little Things

I love to listen to the funny little things my kids say...these were the most recent:

Little B - While having a serious discussion at the dinner table about manners, Little B proceeded to demonstrate for her brothers how to properly eat a ravioli. In her little mommy voice she said, "First, you make sure that it is in half like this. Then you poke it and put it into your mouth." After she SHOVED the ravioli half into her mouth (and before chewing and swallowing) she said, "That is using manners." At least I think that is what she said through the ravioli in her little mouth. :)

A - A and I were laying on his bed and I was telling him about the very first time that I met him (he loves to hear this story). As I was telling him about how his daddy had told me that he had two "angel boys", A said, "And your licence plate frame says, 'I teach angels'!" That I do. :)

Z - While watching Jeopardy, Z was so excited to find one that he knew. The answer was, "4 pecks is equal to one of these." Z shouted out, "What is a BUSHEL?!" I looked at him in awe and asked how he knew the answer. I expected him to say, "I read it while doing my school work" or something like that. His answer? "I read it in Calvin and Hobbes!" Ha! Leave it to Calvin to teach my boys what they need to know. :)

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