Friday, May 29, 2009

Last Week of School Surprises

Looking ahead to the last week of school, I had our little check off list in mind. Now, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a check list; they often help me get through life! But, there is a problem when that is all that you can think about! Fortunately, my classroom teacher brain kicked in just in the knick of time. In a regular school setting, there is not a lot of book work being done during that last week. It is full of parties, yearbook signing, fun crafts, cleanup, etc... Why couldn't we have a taste of both? So...surprises were planned for each day. Once the boys were finished with their school work (very little I might add), I would announce what the surprise of the day would be. This is what we did...

MONDAY: Opening game of the Outlaws' season...since A was dressed in his little league uniform, our family was able to get in for free! Unfortunately, I did not take enough pictures! A was able to go out on the field and give the Outlaws players high fives as they were introduced before the game. Too cool! There was facepainting, bounce houses, and so much more! This picture is of Little B after she saw Miss Jenny, our friend, the face painter.

TUESDAY: A ride on daddy's bus downtown to enjoy rootbeer floats at Old Town Rootbeer Company and a look-see in Powell's candy shop. Unfortunately, I did not remember my camera, but I took a few pictures with my cell phone...not great quality, but you still get the idea.

WEDNESDAY: A Picnic at the Park was on the agenda. We packed a lunch, played baseball, and enjoyed some time on the playground. We had too much fun!

THURSDAY: Pool Party through CORE Paradise. We do not have any pictures because we were TOO busy swimming! This was also our very last day of school work. Each week when the boys were finished with their school work on a Friday, they would take their assignment sheets and rip them up and toss them in the trash. On this last day of schoolwork, the boys made a very dramatic go of the ripping ceremony. They were filled with SO much joy as they ripped and tossed.

FRIDAY: Our final meeting with Teacher Patti. We then headed to Glazed Creations for some painting and then home for a run through the sprinklers. Little B enjoyed many of these that fair since she didn't do anywhere near the amount of work that the amazing boys did? :)

1 comment:

3 Jesters said...

Great ideas! Love your posts!! What a way to start the summer. READY... SET... GO!!! Btw. love your blog decorations. I am still trying to figure that out for our family blog (but I also need to be more consistent posting. You have my admiration, you are in inspiration.)

I am considering starting a blog that is "just mine"... just my ramblings of things I learn, and have learned, from life experiences. Basically how God works through everything, no matter how horrible, even though we may not understand it at the time.

More on that later... but of course I may bug you about how you did your "blog decorations"... tee hee hee.

Keep up the great blogging!
Smiles & blessings...