Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Loves Her Cousin

Little B and I have been having many discussions about her favorite cousin, my sister's second son. They are about three months apart and they love each other (most of the time). Little B has been writing a lot of letters lately, so I began to write I heart B. So, we read it together. She was so excited to read it! So, she began writing letters, most of them backwards, but they were letters. You can see a backwards L next to her B and then an O, and a P (per Little B), then an I, and finally a D. She informed me that this said her cousin's name. She then asked me to draw a heart and she colored it in as I had done mine. And finally, she wrote an I at the top. Then she read proudly, "I Love K." Her cousin's name begins with a K, but to protect his identity we are only sharing his initial. :) What a sweetie.

Today we had another conversation about this very same cousin (and so much more).

Little B: Mommy, K and I are going to play the Wii togeder when Auntie's baby is getting ready.

Mommy: Oh really? What does Auntie's baby need to do to get ready?

Little B: Well, she (Auntie) has to put air in it (the baby).

Mommy: In the baby?

Little B: Yes.

Mommy: What else?

Little B: Then the doctor needs to check the baby's eyes.

Mommy: Oh, yes, that would be important. What else does the doctor need to do?

Little B: The doctor needs to put make up on the baby and then the baby is ready to come out!

Oh to be three and a half!

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